Wedding Countdown Ticker
Inspirational stories come from the writers heart and soul. God put His "heart" in you. He didn't just create you. He invested Himself in you. You are the inspirational story that emerged from the heart and soul of the Father. Who you are is a person worth knowing well.

Jill Palmer (I think) :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Who needs Men..... (when you have two women)

Okay so tomorrow I will be moving into my own little studio apartment. This will be my first time ever living on my own as in only me! :) I am super excited for this new chapter in my life and I seriously can't wait! :) So this past week I have been packing and preparing every thing to move! I have been wanting a black dresser for a long time and I have been looking every where... online, in stores, at thrift shops, and at garage sales but I couldn't find one I wanted!
So I decided to get a dresser I liked and paint it black easy right??? So on Wednesday the adventure began... Ashley and I went to ACE hardware and found someone to help us! :) I had no clue what I was doing so of course I asked for help first thing. A very nice man helped us out and answered all my silly girl questions. We left ACE with a can of primer, a can of black paint, stir sticks, and a paint can opener ready to start our mission. When we got home we brought the dresser downstairs and started painting.First we started with primer, I forgot to ask how many coats of primer I was suppose to put on so I posted a status of Facebook asking for help from my friends, some where helpful and some where not so much however they made me giggle! :) I finally decided to just put one coat of primer on a call it good! :) After the primer we had to wait for an hour before we could start actually painting it black..... so we waited! :) Then finally the time came!We put the first black coat on and decided that we need to do another one so guess what that meant ..... More waiting :)Now to tell the truth we where suppose to wait 2 - 4 hours to put on the next coat but I was not that patient. So after about an hour and a half we decided to start painting again! :) Once it was all done it looked so pretty and all we where waiting for where handles! :)So today I went to Home Depot and picked out the perfect handles! I am so proud of my dresser I think I might just become a dresser reduer and sell them.... Do you think anyone will buy them?? :) This was such a fun project! :) I am so happy that I took on this adventure! Now I know I can paint a dresser with out a mans help! :) *giggle*

1 comment:

Mom Of Many said...

Good job girls...good job!! We knew you could do it!! Way to go!
