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Inspirational stories come from the writers heart and soul. God put His "heart" in you. He didn't just create you. He invested Himself in you. You are the inspirational story that emerged from the heart and soul of the Father. Who you are is a person worth knowing well.

Jill Palmer (I think) :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

God Know's My Heart

Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a heart for handicapped children, and I have prayed that I would have the honor to minister to children with handicaps weather it be mental, physical, or even children who can't hear. (sign language has always been on my heart and something that I think is so beautiful) Okay that was totally a side note so on with my post.... :)

When I got to Scottsbluff I was welcomed with open arms by the whole church body and it was truly amazing to see how excited they all where that I was here.

Over the last couple weeks I have been working on memorizing all the kids names and making sure that I meet all of them. As I was meeting all the kids I got so giddy because two of the kids in the ministry have handy caps. So as I have been praying over the ministry and all the children I am ministering to, God has been impressing on my heart that He is the one who has put the desire in my heart to minister to handy capped children and that He has a big plan and purpose for putting the desire in my heart.

So let me introduce you to the first two precious ones.....

Benny is a 5 year old little boy who was hit by a car a little over a year ago and was seriously hurt. He is now mentally handicapped and has trouble walking. Let me just tell you that the first week this little boy had my heart. He is so smart and is such a fun loving little boy. I am so excited to watch and see what God has in store for this little warriors life.

Zaydee is a 3 year old little girl who has down syndrome. She is so precious and just lights up every room she walks into. She has the cutest smile and is always happy to be at church. I know that God has big things in store for her sweet life and she is going to do amazing things for Him.

Tears are filling my eyes as I think about these sweet little ones. My hearts cry is to see them know the love of our Savior in a very real way. I am so honored that God has called me to show them His love.

Thank you Jesus for this amazing opportunity.

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