Wedding Countdown Ticker
Inspirational stories come from the writers heart and soul. God put His "heart" in you. He didn't just create you. He invested Himself in you. You are the inspirational story that emerged from the heart and soul of the Father. Who you are is a person worth knowing well.

Jill Palmer (I think) :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays!!

I haven't done this is a while and I really need to get back into it. I think when we remind ourselves of all that God is doing and what we are thankful for it helps us out of the funks that we might be in and to be honest right now I am in one of the funks!!!

I am thankful for....

Friends who love me and encourage me to be the best that I can be!!

Kale Robert Palmer
(Happy 7th Birthday Bubba) words can never fully express the place that you hold in my heart. I love you!!

Coffee with creamer
(although it is not near as good as Starbucks and I have really been wanting a starbucks coffee today)

Clothes and shoes

My amazing boyfriend who makes me laugh, loves me for me, makes me feel comfortable to be myself, encourages me to be better, laughs at my stupid jokes, and tells me how much I mean to him on a daily basis.

Having a Target where I live
(and let me just tell you, I visit at least once a week) :)

Yummy lotion to put on my hands and feet :)

Hand sanitizer

Teddy Bears and Flowers

Friends who let me do laundry at their house
(so I don't have to go to the laundry mat by myself)

Sweet little presents from the kids I minister to on a weekly basis

That I can go and volunteer in a 2nd grade classroom at one of the public schools on a weekly basis

To Do lists :)


Lip chap

New Underwear
(I need to start a new collection of undies because most of mine have holes in them and are falling apart. On top of I have not bought new underwear in at least 2 years lol until yesterday that is!! :)

(seriously I don't know what people did before skype and now you can even do it on your phone)


Oh how I feel so much better already!! :) Thank you Jesus for reminding me how blessed I truly am and how much you love me!! What are you thankful for???


Jo said...

Okay, the underwear part may have been TMI, but it made me laugh.

Miss. Jinny said...

Hehehe Jo I try!! :) Seriously I am thankful for them!! :) hehehe

Kristin said...

Ok my friend...Victoria's Secret is having a HUGE sale right now, even more stuff is on sale online than at the stores... so if you need more help in the undies depertment...cause I know I'm having a lot of fun at Victoria's secret online right now!! :) love you

Rachel said...

I'm thankful for those blessings too! And wishing I had one of those Starbucks moments right now, ha ha :)